Monday, November 1, 2010

The Halloween melt down

Unless you live in a cave, you all know that this weekend was Halloween.  As an American in Australia I have always found it my duty to spread the joy that is Halloween and all it's fun.  There is, however, one big glaring thing that comes along with Halloween and that is candy, lots and lots of candy everywhere!

As the boy and I, fully costumed up (I was a sexy devil and he a giant death thingy), headed to my dear friend Kat's Halloween party I was full of confidence that I could get through the night with out diving into the goodies.  I planned ahead with bringing beer as my drink of choice (very low in the bad stuff thank goodness!) and the hosts were having a bbq so bring on the snags minus the sauce and I would be good.  Wrong!!

There were sweets everywhere!  I held out as long as I could but a few drinks in the mind and focus started to wonder.  "Oh one little M&M won't hurt" I would say to myself and then "just one shot of butterscotch schnapps with the group will be okay" and finally "oh it is Halloween who cares!!"  That is when I went for it.  Now I will say I didn't pig out terribly, but a couple of handfuls of M&M, a few gummies, and what probably killed me was all the sweet drinks. 

I woke up the next morning with not only an alcohol hangover but a sugar hangover.  I felt horrible!  I was only in my first week and I blew it!  But hey one of the rules is "Party food is for a Party" and well I was at a party, it's not like I lost it in my house but still no excuse. 

But moving forward and past this into a new week and hopefully I learned from my meltdown over the weekend.

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