Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Weigh-in

It has been hovering over me since I made the decision to jump on the sugar detox train, getting my base weight.  It wasn't pretty and took me about 20 minutes to get the courage up to step on those scales.  All I will say is that I am not the heaviest I have ever been, but I am not far off. 

Now that it is done and over with I can at least have a way to measure some of the changes my body is going through.  The next step is to take some measurements of the good old hips and thighs, yikes!  Though I think I am still a little freaked from the weigh-in and I might wait till next week for that one. 

I am planning on doing my weigh-ins and measurements every Wednesday, why Wednesday you ask?  I think it is the most unassuming day of the week with the least about of pressure on it.  Not much happens on a Wednesday and hey if a lose a couple of pounds it might put a spring in my step to make it through the rest of the week.  But honestly it doesn't matter what day of the week it ends up being it will be a scary day.  My hope is that I will eventually look forward to it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting the boy on board

While I have been excitedly planning out my road to sugar detox I have forgotten one little detail... my fiancee.  With that realization this journey has gotten a whole lot harder. 

To say my husband to be is a sugar addict is an understatement.  The boy lives off Coca Cola and chocolate bars.  I would say he has at least 2 cans of coke a day, a bar of chocolate for a snack or two and lets not forget the ice cream with choc magic dripped on top to end the day.  Oh and of course his drink of choice is bourbon and coke. 

So as I have been reading David Gillespie books he has been keeping his distance and giving me worrying looks.  Now I had three options here I could sneakily reduce sugar from our diet and leave him in the dark, I could do it alone and let him make his own food all the time and keep the bad habits up, or I could think about what is best for our health (and our fiances) and let him know this is what I am doing and we should do it together.

I chose the third option which has not gone over well at all.  After a very long talk he has agreed to let me do my thing for food and drinks around the house slowly and maybe he would come around to change his out of house habits.  But already I have seen progress instead of the bottle of coke that comes home with him, today there was a bottle of coke zero! 

In terms of my own dietary changes I am doing okay.... I have started with Rule #1 from "Sweet Poison" don't drink sugar.  So instead of my normal mocha with skim milk everyday I have switched to a flat white with no sugar.  It has taken some getting use to but it has cut my main sugary drink out of my day.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why do it?

So why do it?

To be honest it started with vanity.  About a year from now I will be getting on a plane and heading back to the US to get married to my lovely Aussie fiancee and well I want to look damn good.  But over the last few years I have consistently put on weight regardless of my exercise schedule (which varied depending on what my life would allow) and it was starting to worry me.  As a kid and teenager I was full of energy and was up for anything you threw at me.  As I have moved into my late 20s my motivation seems to be decreasing and I don't have the same zest for life or body for that matter.  This coupled with my recent unemployment has made me take a hard look at myself and how I treat my body.

A few days ago I was wondering through a book shop, the "Sweet Poison" caught my eye so I picked it up to have a look.  An hour later I was standing in the same spot about a quarter through the book thinking to myself I better buy this before the shop attendents kick me out.  Over the next day or so I poured over the book and it just made sense. 

Now let me just state I am not one of those people who goes from one diet craze to the next and binge eat in between.  I consider myself fairly normal person who eats regular food in regular quanties and exercises as regularly as possible, but the weight still comes on.

David Gillespie is no genius, but a man who realized he had a weight issue and was tired of people telling him what to do to lose weight and it not working.  He took an intelligent approach and looked at what we as a people eat and how that is broken down through out the body.  After sifting through hundreds of papers and taking a crash course in biochemistry he came to the conclusion that many other scientist already had: it's sugar, fructose to be exact.  Fructose contains a high level of "energy" that is easily stored in the body as fat cells and we have no appetite control for it.  As a scientist myself I felt like kicking myself because this was basic cell biology that was a course I aced in college. 

Now it all make a bit more sense but the scary part is how this sugar can effect our bodies and the fatal conditions that occur when it is unregulated.  This is what woke me up and as much as I want my butt to look good on my wedding day, having a healthy heart and other vital organs to spend the rest of my life with my future hubby is more important.

By no means am I doing this cold turkey like I said in my previous post this is a journey and well an adventure into the world of food with out sugar or rather too much sugar.

Looking into the unsugary abyss

I have been inspired...... to get my butt in gear and do something about my body and health.  I have decided after I began reading the book "Sweet Poison" by David Gillespie to try to cut as much sugar out of my life as possible.  The man makes some good points and this past year I have not felt health or motivated so maybe this is a step in the right direction. 

 So after tonight I am going to use David Gillespie books as a guide to lead me down a path of a sugar free life.  I figured by starting a blog it will force me to keep up with it and maybe get some support along the way.  So with that I have begun!