Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dealing with the cravings

Breaking my addiction to sugar is taking a lot longer then expected.  I'm in week four of the detox from fructose and I am still having cravings and getting the shakes.  Dealing with these cravings has made me develop some techniques to push through them. 

When there is a sugary treat in front of me and the thoughts race through my head to gobble it up, I walk a way and have a glass of water.  By the time I drink that full glass of water the craving has subsided and I can face the sugary treat (often being eaten by the boy) again without the desire to snatch it out of his hand.

When out to eat and everyone is getting desert, I have taken David Gillespie's advice and I order the cheese plate instead.  This really works for me because if there is something I love more then sugar it's cheese.  It is a great indulgence for me and I can still feel like part of the group at the end of the night.

This weekend I was faced with a craving like I have never had before.  The boy was making rocky road for a bake off he was doing at work and enlisted my help.  I made it through the whole process of making the sugary dish without once licking my fingers covered in chocolate.  But when the rocky road had set and I was helping cut it up I lost it!  I did everything; walked away, drank water, ate some random cheese in the fridge, and I even took a cold shower to take my mind off of it.  But it was still there and driving me crazy, so I decided to eat one small piece.  Boy was I glad I did that, it was so sweet that I couldn't even eat the whole thing and turned me off it.  Then I realized I must be almost off my addiction, because that is one of the signs, that sugary things that I use to eat tons of are unbearably sweet.

With cravings under wraps I am feeling like I might have kicked the habit, now for a weigh in tomorrow, yikes!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I have just found your blog and have enjoyed reading what you have done so far.....

    4 weeks into sugar detox - WOW - you are a star!!! I have read the Sweet Poison Quit Plan and I am still too scared to do it. I just can't imagine my life without sugar, especially with Easter knocking on the door.

    You have given me some courage to at least attempt the detox, because I know it would be good for me and hopefully help with the weight loss as well.

    If you have the time or you are just popping in to look at your blog I would absolutely love to read another post or 2 or 3 or more on how your journey is going.
