Sunday, October 24, 2010

Looking into the unsugary abyss

I have been inspired...... to get my butt in gear and do something about my body and health.  I have decided after I began reading the book "Sweet Poison" by David Gillespie to try to cut as much sugar out of my life as possible.  The man makes some good points and this past year I have not felt health or motivated so maybe this is a step in the right direction. 

 So after tonight I am going to use David Gillespie books as a guide to lead me down a path of a sugar free life.  I figured by starting a blog it will force me to keep up with it and maybe get some support along the way.  So with that I have begun!


  1. Good for you Karen! I know the feeling of trying to get yourself into a healthier lifestyle, not just a physical appearance. You should check out the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It gave me a lot of information about staying healthy. You can also check out his blog at Good luck!

  2. so is that all sugar period or just processed and refined sugars stuff like that. just curious cause your supposed to have fruit in your diet and that technically is a sugar blah blah blah. you know my point. just a question. good luck tho. you know me i stay away from most non scientific journal stuff so i have no idea who this guy is so that i why i ask. i will have to look him up.

  3. Thanks so much Pradip I really appreciate the support and I will look into Mark Sisson!

    Katie David is actually an Australian so good luck finding him in the US! But he has a website that you can check out and maybe get one of his books. He make great points about how we evolved and the increased levels of Fructose being put into our foods. Fruit contains just the right about of Fructose that we need so I will be turning to them for my sugar hit :o)

  4. On David's Sweet Poison website, someone had posted a link to 'Sugar - the bitter truth' with a presentation by Dr Robert Lustig from University of California, San Francisco. It is a very helpful presentation educating us about the dangers of Fructose. Really worth watching.
